Credits – Tallington

IMG_1036Tallington was conceived and stories written by Lucy Brownhill, Tim Hounsome, Matt Nation, Jon Thrower and Lisa Thrower

Lead writer was Jon Thrower, supported by Matt Nation and Tim Hounsome (specific episode credits below)


Lucy Brownhill, Rob Dawson, Andrew Fletcher, Tim Hounsome, Matt Nation, Verity Neeves, Harriet Pocock, Jon Thrower, Lisa WalshDSC_0540

Recurring Characters:

Catherine – Lisa Walsh

Marjorie – Verity Neeves

Ruby / Charm – Lucy Brownhill

Rupert / Fry – Matt NationDSC_0546

Mavis – Harriet Pocock

Eugene /Voice – Jon Thrower

George / Jack / Editor – Tim Hounsome

All other characters played by the cast


DSC_0558Sound recording and audio editing by Nathan Rowe, using the Audacity open source editor, and Tracktion.

Music by Kevin Macleod ( Tallington uses the tracks “Witch Hunt”, “Bass  Walker”, “Dances and Dames”, “Fast Talkin”, “Classic Horror 2” and “Hidden Agenda”.

The We Are Not Alone theme tune, which has been relegated to a ring tone, is by Andrew Webb.

Special effects are either produced in house or sourced from, the Sony audio library and Soundjay.

Produced by Jon and Lisa Thrower

Publicity photographs by Lisa Hounsome

Graphic art and website design by Lisa Thrower

Creative Commons Licence
Tallington by We Are Not Alone is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


Episode Specific Credits

Episode 1:

Script by Jon Thrower, script edited by Matt Nation and Tim Hounsome

In addition to the recurring characters above, the cast play the following roles:DSC_0543

Patient / Home Owner / Ice Cream Salesman – Matt Nation

Doctor – Jon Thrower

Minister / Archaeologist – Rob Dawson

Devere – Tim Hounsome

Archaeologist 2 – Andrew Fletcher

Directed by Tim Hounsome.

Episode 2:IMG_1031

Script by Jon Thrower, script edited by Matt Nation and Tim Hounsome

In addition to the recurring characters above, the cast play the following roles:

IMG_1060Professor / Sylvia / Reviewer 1 – Tim Hounsome

Heavy Plant Man – Andrew Fletcher

Operator – Jon Thrower

Room 776 – Lucy Brownhill

Reviewer 2 – Matt Nation

Room 78 – Verity Neeves

Directed by Matt Nation.

Episode 3:

DSC_0537Script by Jon Thrower, script edited by Matt Nation and Tim Hounsome

In addition to the recurring characters above, the cast play the following roles:

Catesby / Crocket – Andrew Fletcher

Cook / Sentry / Potential Communist 1 / Wright / Robert – Rob Dawson

Grant – Jon Thrower

Mother – Lucy Brownhill

Potential Communist 2 / Fawkes /Wintour / Guard 1 – Matt Nation

Potential Communist 3 / Guard 2 – Tim Hounsome

Directed by Lisa Thrower.

Episode 4:

IMG_1043Story by Lisa Thrower, script by Jon Thrower, script edited by Matt Nation and Tim Hounsome

In addition to the recurring characters above, the cast play the following roles:

Woman 1 / Emily – Lucy Brownhill

Charles – Rob Dawson

Kitty / Girl / Woman 2 – Verity Neeves

The cast also play various members of crowds and unnamed characters.

DSC_0536Directed by Rob Dawson

Episode 5:

Script by Tim Hounsome, script edited by Jon Thrower and Matt Nation

In addition to the recurring characters above, the cast play the following roles:

Eliza – Lisa Walsh

Carey – Jon Thrower

DSC_0541Ashworth / Sam – Andrew Fletcher

Old Woman 1 – Lucy Brownhill

Daisy / Old Woman 2 – Verity Neeves

William / Henry – Rob Dawson

Directed by Rob Dawson.

Episode 6:

Script by Jon Thrower and Matt Nation, script edited by Tim Hounsome

In addition to the recurring characters above, the cast play the following roles:

Peter – Andrew Fletcher

Directed by Rob Dawson

Episode 7:

Script by Jon Thrower and Matt Nation, script edited by Tim HounsomeDSC_0550

In addition to the recurring characters above, the cast play the following roles:

Spurius / Speak and Spell – Andrew Fletcher

Woman 1 / Dolly – Lisa Walsh

Antonia / Woman 2 / Deirdre / Isobel – Lucy Brownhill

Jeremy / Doctor – Rob Dawson

Harold / Radio Voice – Tim Hounsome

Epaphra / Molly – Verity Neeves

Directed by Rob Dawson

tallington group

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